Friday, January 22, 2010


Oh the shame. I never thought there would be an addict in the family. SURE- I bet more than one of you have thought that there must be something wrong with the Woods. All joking aside, I never thought we would have such a major problem or that it would hit so close to home.

You read about all the problems in the world. Between all the natural disasters, financial woes, political mischief, and celebrity gossip it makes any one wonder how this earth keeps spinning.

Especially as an educator, I pride myself on being sensitive to changes in behavior. Perhaps a student who is usually an overachiever suddenly refuses to talk. Maybe a kid begins to show to school late, or has a sudden drop in personal hygiene. All these and more are little red flags that go off in my head.

Obviously I am talking about podophilia. If you are not familiar with this term it is an un healthy fascination with feet (more or less). To keep things anonymous I will not discuss who the member of our family suffers from this ailment. All I will say is that I do not approve. We appreciate your help in not enabling this family member. While many of you may not think this is a serious disorder let me assure you it is. This unnamed family member has spiraled before our very eyes.

I have come home on a number of occasions only to find socks spewn all over the house. Other times, this person will go to sleep dreaming of bunions and wake with a pinky toe in hand. I do not know how long this has been going on- originally they kept it a secret. As the disease spiraled out of control this family could not keep it a secret anymore. Just the other day I came home and heard some noise in the back of the house. As I rushed to the back I sprung the door open to find this...
We appreciate your thoughts and support.


  1. That was very big of you to come out in the open and discuss this with the world Chad. Of course you have our full support. We, too, have dealt with some unhealthy addictions. Fortunately ours have not been near as embarassing (you know, hair-in-the-mouth, poop-in-the-mouth...the normal stuff). You however, have a serious problem on your hands. We OF COURSE are thinking of you in this difficult time!

  2. I am mainly upset that I am no longer flexible enough to do the same myself. :)
